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HomeCommunity Nominations

Women Making History: Her Story Is Our Story
Call for Nominations

We invite you to nominate an extraordinary woman for special recognition during Women's History Month 2025.

Think about the women who have:

  • Enlightened your perspective
  • Inspired your journey
  • Transformed your community
  • Challenged conventional thinking
  • Created positive change
  • Empowered others to succeed

Their Stories Deserve to be Heard!

Join us in this joyful work of discovering and honoring the remarkable women who make South Central Texas extraordinary. Your nomination helps ensure that their contributions and achievements receive the recognition they deserve and become part of our collective history.

Award Categories

- For a woman who, facing active opposition, backed an unpopular cause in which she deeply believed.

DETERMINATION - For a woman who solved a significant problem despite widespread inertia, apathy, or ignorance around her.

HERITAGE - For a woman of generations past whose achievements enrich our lives.

HEROISM - For a woman whose heroic spirit was tested and shown as a model to all in South Central Texas and beyond.

INITIATIVE - For a woman who seized the opportunity to use her talents and created her own future.

STEADFASTNESS - For a lifetime of achievement.

VISION - For a woman whose sensitivity to women’s needs led her to noteworthy achievements for women.
Nomination Guidelines

We welcome nominations for special recognition at our March 9, 2025 Women Making History Celebration from individuals, community and civic organizations, and area businesses. 

In a 300-word summary, tell us your nominee’s story and how it relates to your chosen award category. You must choose only one award category per nominee. You may nominate more than one person in any or all categories, but you must submit separate forms for each nominee. Nominees for Courage, Initiative, Steadfastness, Determination, and Vision must be current residents of South Central Texas (Colorado, DeWitt, Fayette, Gonzales, and Lavaca Counties) and surrounding areas, or their work must be centered here. Heritage nominees must have been residents of our area at one time. 

You may submit up to six documents or articles about your nominee’s achievements pertinent to the nomination. Items will not be returned. Please do not submit videos, audio, or notebooks. Submitting supporting materials is optional but may help those reviewing your nomination get the fullest picture possible of why you believe the woman you are nominating is deserving of special recognition.

We will be accepting nominations beginning October 20, 2024. To be considered for 2025, nominations must be postmarked by Friday, January 31, 2025 or submitted electronically by midnight on that day.

Nominating Someone Is Easy!

Nominating a South Central Texas woman for special recognition at the League's March 9, 2025 Women Making History Celebration only requires submitting a few short paragraphs of up to 300 words, along with an option to share some additional information that will help those reviewing entries gain a fuller understanding of why you believe your nominee is deserving of special recognition. We also ask that you include the names and contact information for two additional people who know (or know of) your nominee.

Nominations may be submitted online or on paper. Nominations postmarked or submitted electronically by midnight on Friday, January 31, 2025 will be considered for the March 2025 awards ceremony.

by Joyce Johnson Rouse

I am standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before me
I am stronger for their courage, I am wiser for their words
I am lifted by their longing for a fair and brighter future
I am grateful for their vision, for their toiling on this Earth

We are standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before us
They are saints and they are humans, they are angels, they are friends
We can see beyond the struggles and the troubles and the challenge
When we know that by our efforts things will be better in the end

They lift me higher than I could ever fly
Carrying my burdens away
I imagine our world if they hadn't tried
We wouldn't be here celebrating today

I am standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before me
I am honored by their passion for our liberty
I will stand a little taller, I will work a little longer
And my shoulders will be there to hold the ones who follow me

They lift me higher than I could ever fly
Carrying my burdens away
I imagine our world if they hadn't tried
We wouldn't be so very blessed today

I am standing on the shoulders of the ones who came before me
I am honored by their passion for our liberty
I will stand a little taller, I will work a little longer
And my shoulders will be there to hold the ones who follow me

The League of Women Voters of South Central Texas is a 501(c)3 nonprofit and tax exempt organization.
Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowable under the law. Tax identification number: 